Running jenkins-job-linter


When installed, the jenkins-job-linter script will be available on your PATH. Running it is as simple as:

jenkins-job-linter <path>

<path> should be a directory containing only Jenkins job XML files (a la the output of jenkins-jobs test -o <path>) as all files in the directory will be linted.


You are responsible for generating the XML that jenkins-job-linter will run against in standalone mode. If you don’t want to do that, take a look at jenkins-jobs lint which will do it for you if you are using Jenkins Job Builder.

jenkins-jobs lint

If you have jenkins-job-linter and Jenkins Job Builder installed alongside one another, jenkins-job-linter installs a lint subcommand in jenkins-jobs. This takes care of generating your job XML in a temporary directory and linting it there:

jenkins-jobs lint <path>

The <path> you give it in this case should be the path to your YAML job definitions (i.e. the path that you would pass to jenkins-jobs update or jenkins-jobs test).