.. _linters: Linters ======= ``ensure_timestamps`` --------------------- Ensure that a job is configured to produce timestamps in its console output. ``ensure_workspace_cleanup`` ---------------------------- Ensure that a job is configured to clean the workspace prior to execution. Configuration Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No configuration options. ``check_env_inject`` -------------------- If required environment settings are configured (see below), ensure that all jobs have an inject property with a properties-content that contain those environment settings. By default, this will run, but will always skip if no requirements are specified. Configuration Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``required_configuration_settings`` A comma-separated list of environment variable setting lines that should be present in job environments. ``check_for_empty_shell`` ------------------------- Ensure that all shell builders in a job have some content. Configuration Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No configuration options. ``check_job_references`` ------------------------ Ensure that all job references have a target within the generated Jenkins configuration. Currently, this checks the ``trigger-builds`` builder. Configuration Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No configuration options. ``check_shebang`` ----------------- Ensure that all shell builders in a job have an appropriate shebang. This will ignore non-shell shebangs, and ensure that any shell shebangs have all of `-eux` set. The Jenkins default shebang is accepted, but this can be configured (see below). Configuration Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``allow_default_shebang`` A boolean defining whether the default Jenkins shebang should be permitted in shell builders (i.e. should shell builders be permitted to have no shebang). Defaults to True. ``required_shell_options`` A string of the shell options that are required to be present in the shebang of shell builders. Defaults to "eux".